Support & guidance Death of a baby or child When your baby dies When your baby dies Whether a baby or twin baby dies due to miscarriage, a painful decision to end the pregnancy, is stillborn, or lives for only a short time, it can be a devastating loss. The death of a baby is a particular kind of grief and the intensity of love parents feel for their baby is not measured by how long the baby lived, but in the emotional investment they have in their child. For parents and the wider family, expecting to welcome a new life and instead facing the reality that their baby has not lived, can be immensely difficult and trying to find answers as to why it has happened can feel very important. This may be something medical staff can tell you, but sometimes there is no clear answer, which can be very difficult to deal with and if you have given birth to your baby, you may still experience all the normal bodily post-natal reactions but without your baby, which can be a devastating reminder of your loss. Saying goodbye to your baby Trying to make decisions after your baby has died may feel almost impossible, but it is important to ask for support from your GP, the hospital, or a funeral director so that you know what the options are. When grieving, it can help to feel that you were supported at the time to make important decisions around saying goodbye to your baby. How you and your partner may grieve You will both be grieving the loss of your baby but some partners may grieve differently. One of you might be torn between your own grief and your concern for your partner and for others their grief can be overlooked by others who focus only on the birth mother, for example. Explaining the loss to other children If you have other children, you may focus on their needs or worry about how to explain miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a newborn baby or the death of a twin sibling to them, and how they might react. Children's understanding of death at different ages differs, but all children need honest, clear information about what has happened and for their routines to remain as close to normal as possible. They also need reassurance that it is OK for them and for you to have different feelings at different times, including being sad, confused, angry and happy. Building memories and connections If your baby has died before they were born or around the time of birth, images or video from scans, or photographs of your baby can become precious mementos, and these may help build memories a lasting connection with your baby. Memory boxes or folders can help keep important memories and mementos together, such as foot and handprints, a lock of hair, or a written description of what your baby looked like; These can capture a memory of their life, however short, and can give you a focus for your grief. If you live in England and your baby died before 24 weeks on or after 1 September 2018, it is now possible to have a baby loss certificate to recognise your baby and your grief. These certificates are official documents although they are not legal documents and are not added to your GP record. Through the government's website you can find out more or apply for a baby loss certificate and if your baby is stillborn from 24 weeks onwards, you can register a stillbirth. If you live in Scotland, a Memorial Book is available which has been jointly produced by the Scottish Government and National Records of Scotland (NRS) and developed in partnership with health professionals, Royal Colleges and baby loss charities. As well as an entry in the Memorial Book, you will receive a commemorative certificate to recognise your baby and your loss. This free service is run by NRS, is completely voluntary, and no medical evidence is required. Historical applications are also welcome. Further information, including how to apply, can be found by visiting the NRS Memorial Book website, by emailing [email protected], by calling 0131 314 4314, or by writing to the following address: The Memorial Book Team, Room 36, New Register House, 3 West Register Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3YT. Looking after yourself Looking after yourself, and maintaining your physical wellbeing, may feel difficult or unimportant, but can help you to manage some aspects of grieving and coping with life. You may need to grieve alone at times. You may also need to share your grief with other people and talk about your child. Other people may be able to listen or help you to manage practicalities and everyday routines. Some parents find reading about other’s experiences or books and support literature helpful, or to share by joining a support group. Even if talking about your grief feels too difficult, any positive contact with other people can help you feel less alone. Returning to work after a baby has died Returning to work after the death of your baby can be daunting, so we have produced some suggestions and guidance for employees returning to work after a baby or child has died. Expecting another baby after your baby or child has died Expecting a baby after your baby or child has died can be an emotionally heightened experience and feelings may be complicated and confusing. Bereaved parents we have supported who have had another baby tell us that love is not a finite thing and it is possible to love your new child while also remembering your child with both love and sadness. It can help to recognise that this is a different pregnancy with a different child and that both children are important to you and that your love for them is equal. Visit our page: How we can support you for more on our services. You can also call our Helpline 0800 02 888 40, email [email protected], or use Live Chat on our website. Manage Cookie Preferences