Set up an online fundraising page Fundraising online is simple and effective. We recommend using JustGiving or Facebook Fundraiser as these allow your sponsors to donate and securely, making it easy for you to keep track of how much you've raised. The best part is you don't need to do any cash-collecting as the donations go straight to the charity! Online giving was so easy to set up and it gave our children the ability to spread the word to their contacts, so our reach was much wider. It was a simple procedure to set up our story and create our page, and exciting too. A hidden add-on was the ease with which you could share the story with other social media platforms. All in all, it was effective and simple. How to set up a great fundraising page: Set your page up as soon as possible and keep up the momentum going leading up your challenge or event. Personalise your page by adding photos and share your story of why you're fundraising for Child Bereavement UK and explain what you're doing! Set a realistic target. This will encourage donors to be more generous. If you reach your target - increase it! Ask family and friends to donate. People tend to match previous donations, and it always helps to ask around pay day. Use social media. The more you post, the more donations you are likely to receive. Update your page regularly. Share pictures of your training or pre-planning. Spread the word. Don’t forget to tell friends and family about what you’re doing when you see them. Add offline donations. This allows you to keep track of all your donations and how close you are to your target. Email the fundraising page link to everyone on your contacts list. Alternatively ask one of our Fundraising Managers to send you our signature banner to add to your emails. Manage Cookie Preferences