Get involved Ways to give Payroll giving Thank you for considering setting up a regular gift though payroll. Payroll Giving is the easiest and most cost-effective way to support our work. If you are an employee of a company, a simple way to donate to Child Bereavement UK is via your salary. Once set up, you don’t have to do anything, and it costs you less to give a little more! If you are a company employee, giving as you earn is an easy way to donate to Child Bereavement UK. It is also tax free as it is deducted from your gross pay, so any tax you have paid on that amount of money also comes to us. The following example shows how this works: A donation of £10 to Child Bereavement UK would cost: £8 for basic rate taxpayers (20%) £6 for higher rate taxpayers (40%) £5.50 for the highest rate taxpayers (45%) How your donations help Small, regular donations really add up and together have a huge impact. Each year, our payroll givers donate enough to help us to have a real impact on children, young people and families. Collectively, payroll gifts we receive each year could help us to answer over 550 calls to our Helpline or to provide over 200 online support sessions for bereaved young people, couples or families. By spreading your donation over twelve months, you will be providing steady, regular support which helps the charity to plan further ahead. And for the cost of one or two coffees a month, you will be part of a group of donors making a difference to the lives of bereaved families. How to set up a payroll gift Speak to your payroll team and see if they have a payroll giving scheme. If so, you can instruct them that you’d like to be part of it and request that your donations come to us. You can choose how much you want to give and can cancel at any time. If your employer doesn’t already have a scheme, we can help them set one up. To find out more, or to arrange a payroll gift, please email [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences