After a Murder: A Workbook for Grieving Kids

Dougy Centre

Through the stories, thoughts and feelings of other kids who have experienced a murder, this hands-on workbook allows children to see that they are not alone in their feelings and experiences. The workbook includes drawing activities, puzzles and word games to help explain confusing elements specific to a murder, such as the police, media and legal system.

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After a Suicide: A Workbook for Grieving Kids

Dougy Centre

In this hands-on, interactive workbook, children who have been exposed to a suicide can learn from other grieving kids. The workbook includes drawing activities, puzzles, stories, advice from other kids and helpful suggestions for how to navigate the grief process after a suicide death.

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Beyond the Rainbow: A Workbook for Children in the Advanced Stages of a Very Serious Illness

Marge Heegard

This book provides children and their caregivers a broad range of opportunities to express thoughts and feelings related to advanced stages of a life-threatening illness. The book has a warm interactive quality to it. Through the creative activities it offers, children can learn to communicate more openly about their illness, develop coping skills, express personal wishes, foster hope, and share thoughts and concerns about death.

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Beyond the Rough Rock: Supporting a Child Who Has Been Bereaved Through Suicide

Di Stubbs and Julie Stokes

This booklet offers practical advice for families in the immediate days and weeks when suicide has been the cause of death. It aims to give parents and professionals the confidence to involve children in discussions about the nature of a death by suicide.

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Finding Your Own Way to Grieve: A Creative Activity Workbook for Kids and Teens on the Autism Spectrum

Karla Helbert 

A creative activity workbook for grieving children and teens on the Autistic Spectrum. The clear concise language will help adults communicate with children around the abstract concepts of death and grief.

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Grief in Children: A Handbook for Adults

Atle Dyregov

This fully updated second edition of “Grief in Children” explains children’s understanding of death at different ages and gives a detailed outline of exactly how the adults around them can best help them cope.

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Luna’s Red Hat

Emmi Smid

This book tells the story of Luna, whose mum died by suicide one year ago and she still finds it difficult to understand why. Dad talks to her and explains what happened, and together they think about all the happy memories they have of Mum. This book is designed to be read with children age 6+ who have experienced the loss of a loved one by suicide. It includes a guide for parents and professionals.

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Muddles, Puddles and Sunshine: Your Activity Book to Help When Someone Has Died

Winston’s Wish

Offering practical and sensitive support for bereaved children, this book suggests a helpful series of activities and exercises accompanied by the friendly characters of Bee and Bear. It aims to help children make sense of their experience by reflecting on different aspects of their grief.

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Ollie the Octopus Loss and Bereavement Activity Book: A Therapeutic Story with Activities

Dr Karen Treisman

This activity book has been developed by expert child Psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Karen Treisman. The first part of the book is a colourful illustrated therapeutic story about Ollie the Octopus, with a focus on Ollie making sense of and processing the loss of his mum, Orla. This is followed by a wealth of creative activities and colourful photocopiable worksheets for children and the people supporting them to explore aspects of loss, grief, death, and bereavement, and how to find ways to understand and cope with them.

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Precious Time

Lindsey Stukalov Stone

This book helps children understand their feelings when a loved one is dying. The book is an interactive tool for adults to use as a guide to plan their own conversation or to be used in direct work with children. The book supports the child's mental health through an interactive, gentle and validating approach. 

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Someone Very Important Has Just Died: Immediate Help for People Caring for Children of All Ages at the Time of a Close Bereavement

Mary Turner

This short book tackles the sensitive issues of what to tell children, how far to include them in the events immediately after the death, and how to tend to their physical and emotional needs. The material is suitable for anyone regardless of their background and beliefs, and is supplemented with information on where to go to obtain longer term bereavement support.

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Supporting children when a baby has died


Booklet mainly for parents but useful for anyone who comes into contact with a child whose baby brother or sister has died before, at, or soon after birth. It includes information about the needs of older children and teenagers bereaved in this way.

Available to download from Sands

Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child

Earl Grollman

This guide to helping children cope with death includes an illustrated, read-along story, and discusses coping with a child’s anger, denial or guilt, and how to discuss funerals, cemeteries and grief.

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The Little Flower Bulb

Eleanor Gormally

The Little Flower Bulb tells the story of Jamie, his mum and his twin sisters, and of how Jamie comes to deal with the death of his father. Suitable for children aged 3-8, this beautifully illustrated book will be helpful for parents when talking to children bereaved by the suicide of a close relative.

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The Snowdrop Tree

This charming story uses Forest School inspired activities to guide the child through their emotions. From subtle changes in the weather and environment on the pages to the personal adventure of the polar bear family. Each page has lots to look and talk about with activities explained and adult support prompts to guide the adult.

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When Someone Very Special Dies: Children Can Learn to Cope with Grief - Workbook

M Heegard

This work book was designed to teach basic concepts of death and help children understand and express the many feelings they have when someone special dies. Communication is increased and coping skills are developed as they illustrate their books with their personal story.

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When your Partner Dies: Supporting your children

Child Bereavement UK

A short booklet which offers guidance for a surviving partner when parenting their bereaved children as well as coping with their own grief. It was developed with help from bereaved families and was originally funded by BBC Children in Need. Also useful for GP surgeries, Health visitors etc.

Download a copy here