Child Bereavement UK is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising.

Being registered to the Fundraising Regulator means we are committed to its Fundraising Promise which outlines our commitment to our donors and the public.

  • We will adhere to the Fundraising Code of Practice
  • We will respect your rights and privacy
  • We will monitor fundraisers, volunteers and third parties working with us to raise funds, to ensure that they comply with the Code of Fundraising Practice and with this Promise
  • We will comply with the law as it applies to charities and fundraising
  • We promise to always put our beneficiaries and clients first and to spend money in the way that is best for them
  • We will keep your personal information safe. We promise not to sell or share your personal details with other charities. We never have. Your personal and financial information is held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
  • We promise to keep you informed about what is being achieved with your money
  • We will give a clear explanation of how you can make a gift and change a regular donation 
  • If you are unhappy with anything we’ve done whilst fundraising, you can contact us to make a complaint. We will listen to feedback and respond appropriately to compliments and criticism we receive
  • Where the law requires, we will get your consent before we contact you to fundraise
  • If you tell us that you don’t want us to contact you in a particular way we will not do so. We will work with the Telephone, Mail and Fundraising Preference Services to ensure that those who choose not to receive specific types of communication don’t have to
  • Feedback from our supporters is important. If you have a suggestion to make or even a compliment to share we will welcome it. If you are unhappy about something please tell us so we can make it right. Should you wish to get in touch or make a complaint please email [email protected] or call 01494 568949
  • If we cannot resolve your complaint, we accept the authority of the independent Fundraising Regulator to make a final adjudication. To find out more, please visit the Fundraising Regulator website
  • We promise to always listen to you.
  • The Charity is committed to creating a safe and welcoming atmosphere for everyone, and one that challenges all forms of oppression or discrimination including those based on age, gender or gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity leave, disability, race (which includes nationality, citizenship, ethnic or national origins), religion/faith or belief, sexual orientation (collectively known in law as the ‘protected characteristics’), as well as any oppression or discrimination based on other physical characteristics or impairments, occupation, income, wealth, or unrelated criminal convictions.

February 2024