About death and grief A Special Scar: The experiences of people bereaved by suicide Alison Wertheimer Written and researched by a bereaved sibling, this book covers the losses of siblings, parents, children and friends. Buy from Amazon Coping with grief when someone you love dies suddenly This free booklet aims to help you understand emotions and feelings commonly suffered after a sudden death. It provides straightforward advice on how to cope and who can help you to recover. Available to download from Sudden From a Clear Blue Sky Timothy Knatchbull A powerful survivor’s account of the IRA bomb that killed the author’s 14-year-old twin brother, his grandparents and a family friend, published on the 30th anniversary of the atrocity. Buy from Amazon GriefWorks app Julia Samuel Drawing on Child Bereavement UK’s Founder Patron Julia Samuel’s 30 years of experience as a leading grief therapist, the GriefWorks app was designed to effectively address the full range of emotions surrounding grief. The app pairs Julia’s advice with actionable practices and exercises, gently nudging you to record and examine your own thoughts and feelings. The app also offers more than 30 interactive tools including breathing visualisation exercises, guided meditations, daily gratitude check-ins, prompted evening reflections, and more. Available on Apple Store and Google Play Store.£49.99 for 3 months. Get a 10% discount when using this link. Help is at hand: A resource for people bereaved by suicide Department of Health This free guide is for people who are affected by suicide or other sudden, traumatic death. It aims firstly to help people who are unexpectedly bereaved in this way. It also provides information for healthcare and other professionals who come into contact with bereaved people, to assist them in providing help and to suggest how they themselves may find support if they need it. Download from the Department of Health How to Get to Grips with Grief: 40 Ways to Manage the Unmanageable James Withey This book is for anyone who has lost someone. It may have been recently, or it may have been years ago, but still it stings like it was yesterday.In his twenty years supporting people with their own grief, as a counsellor and social care worker, he has helped others work through their despair and reconcile the injustice of grief. With his trademark humour and warmth, he provides forty ways to help you live with and manage your grief no matter what stage you're at. It provides comfort for when it all gets too much, ideas for when you feel at a loss for what to do and more than a laugh or two to balance out the sadness. Purchase from Amazon It's Okay that you're Not Okay Megan Devine When a painful loss or life-shattering event upends your world, here is the first thing to know: there is nothing wrong with grief. "Grief is simply love in its most wild and painful form," says Megan Devine. "It is a natural and sane response to loss." So, why does our culture treat grief like a disease to be cured as quickly as possible? In It's OK That You're Not OK, Megan Devine offers a profound new approach to both the experience of grief and the way we try to help others who have endured tragedy. Buy from Amazon Michael Rosen's Sad Book Michael Rosen A very personal story that speaks to adults as well as children. The author describes feeling sad after the death of his son and what he does to try to cope with it. Buy from Amazon We Get It Heather L. Servaty-Seib and David C. Fajgenbaum A unique collection of 33 narrative by bereaved students and young adults in America, this book aims to help young adults who are grieving and provide guidance for those who seek to support them. It has been described as like having a group in a book. Buy on Amazon You Are Not Alone Cariad Lloyd In You Are Not Alone, Cariad shares all that she has learned from presenting her podcast, Griefcast. She reflects on her own grief, the grief of others, and the psychology and science behind how our society deals with death and loss. Funeral thoughts, therapy, coping with anniversaries, bad friends, good friends, birthdays, weddings, missing them, not missing them - this is grief in all its sad, surprising, awkward, tender and sometimes funny forms. You Are Not Alone is a road map for all of us: for anybody who has ever felt lost in grief, who would like to help someone they know through theirs, or who just wants to understand life a little better. Buy on Amazon 'You'll Get Over It': The Rage of Bereavement Virginia Ironside The death of a loved one is the most traumatic experience any of us face. No two people cope with it the same way: some cry while others remain dry-eyed; some discover growth through pain, others find arid wastes; some feel angry, others feel numb. Virginia Ironside deals with this complicated and sensitive issue with great frankness and insight, drawing on other's people's accounts as well as her own experiences. Buy from Amazon Manage Cookie Preferences